Friday, 31 January 2014

Twitter Adds New Useful Search Filters To Search Results

Twitter Adds New Useful Search Filters To Search Results

Twitter announced that they have added new search filters to the Twitter search results.

The search filters let you filter based off of these options:

    Advanced Search
    All people
    People you follow
    Near you

So if I want to spot pictures from SMX Israel posted on Twitter, I can use this search.

Check out the image here :

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Matt Cutts Telling Why Old Site Not Rank Well?

Matt Cutts of Google released another video related to question asked by a web masters, why an old site that always ranked well, no longer ranks as well these days?

Matt said that we all know some websites rank well even we don't change anything on them. We can leave the 15-year-old template, they don't add any new features or content. While new sites have some unique content as well images having fresh design, attracts visitors or users.
Eventually, visitors start to leave the old site and go to the new site because it is a better user experience.

Google also acts in the same way, if you don't continuously improve your sites then why should Google continue to rank it well?

Matt told to updates your website on the regular basis with the images or content slightly.

Here is the video:

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Matt Cutt Says : Twitter or Facebook Social Signals Will Not Helps in Page Rank Increment.

Google Says : Twitter Or Facebook Social Signals Will Not Helps in Page Rank Increment.

In reply of a webmasters question : "are Facebook and Twitter signals part of the ranking algorithm?" Matt Cutts replied : No, Google don't give a special attention to the Facebook & Twitter pages. We are not doing some special crawling or indexing for these social media pages. So they don't help in page rank and not related to Page Rank Algorithm.

While Google doesn't do this now, so check the video Matt cutts has uploaded in the reply of the Web master's question..

Here is the video:

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Pinterest Has Updated its Search Features

Pinterest has updated its search features, now it is possible to filter for vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and paleo recipes. You can see the changes in the attached image.

According to the information, Pinterest is rolling out the new search feature on the web now, and it will be rolled out for mobile site as well.

To use the new search filters, you can search on a specific recipe, and then click “All recipes” to see search results. Users can then slight down search results via the recently added search filters, and save recipes to their own boards.

Pinterest Search

Get More Traffic for a Website from Pinterest

Pinterest is a popular photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage collection of images related with any theme like party, fashion, hobbies etc. You can make profile on Pinterest and upload image known as pins here. you can also make pin board according to theme or category. Users can also search others pins and pin board and "re-pin" their pins/images if they liked them. We can get from traffic from Pinterest if we create and manage Pinterest profile accordingly.

Follow these tips to get more traffic :

1. Make sure your images are of good quality

2. Optimize your pages/site/product descriptions

3. Create a Pinterest/Twitter Account

4. Find boards that host relevant content.

5. Monitor your results

6. REPEAT – Ahahahahhah!

Monday, 20 January 2014

How Can We Increase Twitter Followers?

Twitter is one of the most popular social media networks in these days. Everyone is now creating account on twitter because it is very helpful for increase in traffic of a website .but just by opening a Twitter account you won’t be able to get this amount of traffic. You need to follow some tactics to get desired traffic as well as followers.

Need to focus on these Steps:

1. Be an active user on twitter

2. Implement social media buttons in your blog or website

3. Add a twitter banner on your website/blog

4. Add your twitter account in your email signature also

5. Use hashtags or current trends

6. Interact with other people more as you can

7. Update your bio, image and Background by means complete your profile as you can.

8. Follow people with similar interests

9. Add yourself in Twitter directories as it is an advance option

10. Connect your Facebook profile with Twitter and other social media profiles.

11. Don’t Spam, Be honest and transparent

Friday, 17 January 2014

Google Says : Don't Have Different Algorithms For Different Ranking Positions

As you all know Matt Cutts. He has released a video regarding the a question put by a web master.

The question was "Does Google have algorithms for different positions in the search results".

Matt Cutts replied - No,there is no algorithm is available for the same. Of course the ads have different algorithms, the local results have different algorithms, the videos and so on - but the web results don't work on algorithms.

You can see the Video Here :


Google Celebrated the 82th Birthday of Dian Fossey

On 16th Jan, Google has Celebrated the 82th Birthday of Dian Fossey -The Famous Zoologist’s, By making Doodle on this that. Fossey is well known for her connection to the gorillas she studied and her fierce protection of them.

Have a look on Doodle  Now :

In December 26, 1985, Fossey was found murdered in her cabin.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Need of Social Media For Growth of A Business How?

If you start a business so you need to be present on social media for growth of your business. It is help full in branding your business. Now most of the peoples are internet savvy they will definitely search about your business on internet If you are not on there, then they are going to be disappointed and it can cause your business.

Social Media

Some benfits by available on Social Media.....

  • Can gain free traffic for your business or business website.

  • Can spend your time on social media more productively.

  • Social media also have some good SEO benefits too.

Now can do slice image searches by usage rights

New Update for Google Image Search has been updated. Now you can slice image searches by usage rights under "Search tools".

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Become Efficient SEO Professional By Following These Tips

If you’re at work, you know there are things that you could be doing right now to improve your website’s SEO. Chances are you probably have a social network open in another browser tab right now as you're reading this, and you've probably checked your email at some point in the last 10 minutes. How much work have you actually done in the last hour?
 The last few days? This month? Would you have expected more from that time if you had been paying someone by the hour to do your job? Just how productive are you?

 In today’s tough economy, SEO professionals who constantly try to boost their productivity are going to go far. The "optimization" in SEO implies that there is always something more which can be done to improve organic search visibility, so the faster and smarter you can work, the better results get and happier your stakeholders will be.

 However, most SEO professionals live on the web, where distractions are myriad and something new crops up almost every minute. How do you improve productivity in the face of so many things to do? Even more importantly, how do you stop a slow slide into idleness and unproductivity? In the past I found myself slacking off at work and I had to confront myself with the truth that my productivity level and low attention span was something I couldn't afford to ignore.

 The following ideas are all tactics I have tried and tested in the past 12 months to help me boost my output. I’m proud to say that at a recent appraisal I was commended for how I had boosted my productivity in 2012, so some of them must be decent ideas!

Know About the Keyword Mapping. How It Helps ?

Keyword mapping is method to target keyword on relevant page. Syntax to map keyword is easy and similar to syntax of checking indexing.

“Keyword”. This syntax will show some results. Now you need to check those results closely. Only first result is considered for targeting or mapping keyword. If you think that this first result is not appropriate to map keyword, you can change it by internal linking. If you link your keyword with proper page of site internally, Google will definitely update its results within 6-8 days.

Keyword mapping is counted in primary steps of search engine optimization. In various SEO reports you can see that is taken while starting off page optimization.